Gauri Bellad

May 6, 20223 min

Why is Holistic Living a doorway to Balanced Mental Wellbeing?

“WHO defines health as complete physical, social and mental wellbeing, not merely absence of disease.” (WHO, 1946)

When you look for the definition of mental illness in the dictionary, it says, a health condition involving changes in thinking, emotion, or behaviour. We think only eating healthy and exercising nourishes both our body and mind. Here it might be, taking care of our body needs ultimately. In our minds, food is more than healthy nutrition & exercising. When the mind is stressed, the fuel for the mind is silent, sleeping, deep breathing, spending time in nature and with loved ones, exercising uplifting thoughts, listening to music, regulating your emotions, and connecting with your spiritual intelligence.

Science and various real-life incidents in people’s lives have proved that the mind is the most vital tool than the body. ‘The secret book, written by Ronda Byrne, enhances the power of the mind via the law of attraction. Since then, it has changed numerous lives on the planet. Yet, we have misused our minds to support only intellectual tasks without understanding their real power and maintenance.

During my depression, I was unaware of the interconnection of various aspects that can lead to improved mental wellbeing. Through researching on google, I learned exercising is not just good for the body but the mind too, as it releases these happy hormones called ‘Endorphins’, which help you feel good throughout the day. This honestly assisted me in maintaining an elevated state of mind to carry on with my daily errands spontaneously. This simple experience highlighted the connection between mind and body in my life. When I was in Kashmir, I unfolded another piece of the puzzle of holistic living. My effortless shifting of attention from my grief to the mesmerizing abundance of paradise around marked a new chapter in my life. I started feeling immensely healed, protected, and connected to my roots as a human being in nature.

Growing up in a god-fearing religious family, understanding spirituality in my eyes took time until I was utterly shattered by my mental illness. My burning curiosity to understand existential questions led me to read more personal growth and spiritual books. This has undoubtedly supported me in accepting any situation gracefully and surrendering to the universe when needed. When you consciously regulate your emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence is easier to adapt and implement. When these both meet, magic happens to your mind subconsciously.

We all know mental illness is caused by various factors, depending on the person’s genetics, history, upbringing, and environment. Meds are not a complete answer. It will definitely help you to treat the symptoms and support your illness. In the long run, we have to integrate both conventional and alternative medical approaches to see lasting effects on your health. Our modern lifestyle is highly demanding for the pace of the human mind. Nevertheless, the intellectual capacity of the mind is utilized fully. We take it for granted like our own breath.

As Sadguru says, we need to learn “Inner engineering” how this human intelligence works through your mind, needs, capacity, and magical powers.10% of our mind is the conscious mind, and 90% is the subconscious mind. The more we understand ourselves, the more we convert our unconscious into the conscious mind. Holistic living gives that pace and balance to our minds by nourishing them. The crux of holistic living is constantly evolving on a conscious level inside out. This facilitates our ability to act, feel and respond thoughtfully.

Quantum physics is a new reality people have started embracing. It says that everything that is moving is energy. And this universal truth has started making sense to people in reality. Suppose this universal truth sustains its value based on people’s experiences. In that case, there is no doubt our mind needs a holistic approach to be healed completely. When you treat mental illness from a holistic point of view, you address the big picture of individuals’ different life aspects and find the root cause of illness. It allows you to explore multiple pathways to help you recover on all levels like mind, body, and spirit.

I am not instigating to force any belief on you in this blog. I want you all, as sensible human beings, to work out your own options by experimenting and exploring a variety of approaches, as we all are unique genetically. We all have diverse requirements to find the right nourishment to achieve the proper sense of balance in our mental wellbeing

My experience has led me to this path, and I am still exploring it. Where have you reached with your approach?
