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Dear Children of Single Parents,

Raised by avaricious and compulsive parents who always wanted their children to be “under control”, we know what it is like to breach through the tiny cracks of our enclosures and break free. Despite how long it might take for parents to grow old or rather comprehend the concept of emotional detachment or just ‘letting go’ of their children, it only results in individuals metamorphosizing into reinforced, durable and robust adults. Some might have unmarried mothers; some, divorced mothers and some, helpless fathers. So, as juveniles of these wonderful bohemians in the society, we are always bound by both, our parents and the frivolously erratic society. Since, a lot has been alternating over the past couple of years, the congruous, yet more noteworthy aristocratic issues in our society have been increasingly discounted for and overlooked upon. One of these issues seem to be accumulating battles fought by single parents on a regular basis

We as children of single parents need to give our old folk a break, don’t we? I’m sure they’re working hard in their entirety to keep us safe, secure and happy, but in this very process of protecting their children, the fixation of safeguarding that constantly flutters above our head has been mordacious and reproachable, ironically downsizing our emancipation to make decisions. Our sometimes-neurotic single parents also involve in continually inspecting and executing constant secret mini-examinations on every event of their kids’ lives, be it good, bad, or just mere frolic.

Most parents with single daughters have their mindsets caged and brutally confined to “it is a bad world” and “stay indoors” to prevent yourself from being raped, kidnapped and sold. Although our parents are absolutely beloved and treasured to us, they usually tend to map out a preposterous repertoire of moral principles which is sometimes exceedingly and asphyxiating misanthropic and venerated.

How many of us have parents who treat us like the stereotypical male in society? How many of us have parents who really give us the freedom we want? How many of us have parents who seem to be “cool” in parenting from the outside but are merely restricting our autonomy to live? How many of us have parents who acknowledge our mistakes and permit us to choose our own career path freely? How many of us have mothers who do not call us after the curfew time if we are late? Well, maybe a handful but not a lot of us, right?

At some point in life, we have been mocked at, looked down upon and moreover ridiculed by the society due to our parent’s relationship status but only we certainly know the mountains we have crossed and the distressful hardships we have faced. Isn’t it? I am sure there have been several people, both in our own family and others who have pierced and sputtered on us with their sympathetic commiseration, and time and again, we have proven that we do not need any condolence or entrails of compassion from anybody, regardless of how relevant they are in our lives.

For the sons and daughters who have already found sovereignty, liberty and autonomy, remember the abjuration and relinquish that your parents will serve you which involves nothing but loneliness, guilt and iniquity, sometimes. But, breaking the chains of restriction and confinement of prejudice and overwhelming inundation of calumniation does not call for abandonment and forsake. For the sons and daughters who are independent and self-made, remember that union does not certainly call for detriment, grief and malevolence. It indeed calls for an agreement of settlement feasible for the two. It calls for a coherent understanding, not of compromise or adjustment but to harmonize goals between your life and your parent’s.

Dear sons and daughters of single mothers and fathers, isn't it about time we stand in unity to not just catechize for our enfranchisement but appeal for it because we were made to soar higher than be caged victims of flightless birds for our wings need air to breathe and room to stretch. It is time to join in oneness for our parents, not abandoning them as we grow, but treating them like how they raised us, with clemency, benevolence, forgiveness and grace. Dear sons and daughters, who yearn for liberation, let us find an exemption from restraint by our intellectual deeds and speech rather than portraying alienation, hostility and abhorrence.


Your Irking Wearisome Companion

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