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Destroy your Mind’s Enemy: Violence

Doesn’t waking up to a pleasant and peaceful day sound exciting? Most of us befriend peace because there could get no better feeling and calming energy than that. But how about you think of a scenario in the opposite direction? How do you think it would feel in a violent environment with the breeze of negativity? It does sound moody and frightening, right?

Well, violence is an activity that has been and is being prevalent across the whole wide world. Suppose there are newspapers briefing on positive events. In that case, more newspaper pages are dedicated to bringing our attention to the growing violence occurring almost everywhere. To date, violence does sound cringe and scary because we are well aware that it involves a chain of events not acceptable or expected by others. It can also be heart-breaking to some extent.

When wondering the causes that contribute to violence, researchers have come up with multiple reasons as violence is becoming prevalent in most societies. First, some individuals consider violence as the medium to openly express negative frustrations, sadness, or anger, leading them to engage in inappropriate attempts to handle their emotions. Second, accompanying aggression, individuals engage in violent behaviours as a means to even scores or get their desires and needs done. For example, suppose an individual sees that the owner of a place is not willing to cooperate with them. In that case, they are likely to put forward threats to destroy the property. In some cases, they even end up doing what they say.

Third, some cultures teach individuals that acting violent is a healthy and safe way of expressing and dealing with their emotions for anything they want to achieve in life. Four, individuals believe that behaving violently allows them to manipulate others or gain control over the surrounding situations in certain situations. Fifth, one of the biggest reasons why become violent is because they have been victims of violence such as the child of an abusive or neglectful parent. To overcome the abuse and embarrassment they went through, they avenge it on others randomly. Sometimes, certain situations or communities knowingly or unknowingly force individuals to resort to negative behaviours such as violence.

But the saddest fact is that those who engage in violence do not experience mental stability. To some extent, individuals have some worries, fears, stress, anger, etc., hidden in them, which they later show as violent behaviour. In the long run, this state of mind is not safe for individuals as critically endanger themselves and others. Research highlights that exposure to violence can lead to long periods of stress, helplessness, and depression. They may develop uncaring attitudes, become violent in alternative ways, engage more in criminality, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.

Since the world witnesses’ various forms of violence, it is not easy to frame certain potential violence indicators. However, the signs of the increased or rapid pace of violence can be assumed as porting weapons, voicing dangerous threats to others, engaging in risk-taking behaviour, and destroying properties or valuables. It can also involve consuming alcohol and harmful drugs, taking pleasure over destruction or harm, losing emotional control and so on. In-depth studies on various violence forms have claimed that before, these symptoms can develop effectively in individuals. It is primarily important to devote attention to another set of factors. These include being isolated, have a developing interest in weapons and murder fantasies, have connections with crime memberships, maintained a violent behaviour record in the past, have poor attention, low academic scores, harbour rejection feelings and much more.

So, how can we wipe off this character of violence and end this chain of violent events? Fortunately, years of research has found many ways to tackle this behaviour. First, though initially difficult, try forming an attachment with those who show violent tendencies, which help them feel they belonged and encourage them to make a real change. Second, repair the violence in the individual by not acting violently before or toward them rather focus on creating a safe and secure base for them. Third, while displaying certain situations before them, create a cloud of empathy and sympathy in the violent individual and develop the basis of understanding what it would mean to harm anyone.

Four, help violent individuals to discover their true abilities and offer praise for their good achievements. This will slowly deviate them from violence and create a web of positivity and a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Five, if you ever see your loved one being violent, choose a good time to revise and encourage them to grasp a few calming techniques. This can be done by demonstrating your own problem-solving, coping and resilience strategies before them. Because the ultimate goal is to help the individual be the best version of themselves by being violent free.

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