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Writer's pictureIshita Tenjerla

Dress Up to Step Up

The smell of a fresh bagel, the sounds of bustling traffic and the screeching tires of the bus are not the only things we miss about our daily commute. Lockdown has put the daily hustle-bustle of life on pause for a while. Which also means our routine has taken a hit and needs a little fixing up to do.

Having a routine is essential to have order and structure in the chaos of the lockdown.

What better and easier way to kickstart your day than looking and feeling good?

Picture this.

Messy bun, Greasy hair, a 2-day old sweatshirt, coffee-stained sweatpants and maybe an unshaven beard.Sounds familiar?

Now, look at yourself in the mirror.

You wake up after the mid-day sun, stay in your fuzzy housecoat, maybe get a little work done and before you know the day’s gone so now you are anxious about all the work left undone.

Why do I dress up even if I am at home right now?

It’s highly unlikely anyone will see me today. Or maybe even the day after or even sometime in the week ahead. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get ready for the day like you usually do.

Here’s a simple question for you.

Does your current attire motivate you to get your work done?

And that brings me to the oh-so-very principal act of dressing up for your day.

Irrespective of your line of work- an artist, a musician, a teacher or a white-collar professional one should prepare themselves for the day ahead.

A simple pair of jeans, a smart shirt, and your hair neatly pinned up can make all the difference in the world.

Wear something that will make you smile.

This simple ritualistic act will prepare your mind and body for the day. It will give you the cue of being ready to tackle the day ahead.

You stand up straighter. You have a hold over your day. You are more confident, and you get into action mode.

Doorbell rings -you’re ready to open the door. Last-minute zoom meeting-you are ready. A quick visit to the grocers and you are already presentable, and along with these essential positive effects that are dressing up as you will be so much more productive during your day.

Wearing clothes that you feel good in will simply set you free.

Wearing a formal shirt over your boxer shorts doesn’t count as dressing up.

I’m asking you to get dressed from head to toe. Do your hair up into a fancy braid, wear a few accessories and clean up. Wear a comfortable pair of jeans which would make you feel like the king (or queen )of the world. Dab on some makeup if you please.

Staying in my sweatpants and a ratty old sweatshirt makes me feel agitated and annoyed the whole day. That isn’t good for me, my work or my mental health.

But every time I wear something I feel good in or only something I like myself in, I feel so much calmer, organised and my thoughts are much put together.

Dressing up is also a fantastic trick to kick in some creativity and get out of a mid-day slump

So how about you quickly jump into your power outfit for the day and give it a try?

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