Most of the personality traits of an individual are developed during the first ten years of their life. From the way your child feels about themselves to how they interact with others, our parenting style affects everything. Research shows that there is a close relationship between the behaviour of a child to their parenting style. Each one of us has a different style to raise our child. However, there are many similar traits between parenting styles.
Diana Baumrind, a famous psychologist, researched and analysed various parenting styles. She classified them into four types-
Authoritarian Parenting- In this parenting style, parents tend to make rules and expect their children to follow them blindly. The rules are generally strict, and authoritarian parents tend to have high expectations from their child. If the child is unable to fulfil those expectations, they tend to punish their child. This act of punishment has a considerable impact on the child. Instead of making rational decisions next time, they just do what they have been asked for. For them, obedience is the most important thing rather than problem-solving. They even tend to give work without proper instructions. The children who are raised under authoritarian parenting tend to have the following traits-
Low Self- esteem and self-confidence
Poor social skills
Low performance in Academics
If you tend you follow the below-mentioned statements, then you might be an authoritarian parent-
Do this as I have told you to do
Finish this on time or, else you will get a slap
Obedience is the most important thing
Permissive Parenting – This type of parenting is also known as indulgent parenting. In this parenting style, the parents are lenient about the rules and are very indulgent with their children. The parents are responsive to most of the acts, questions, and help their children solve. The children who are raised under permissive parenting tend to have the following traits-
They exhibit behavioural problems
Do not follow any kind of rules and tend to break them
Low self-esteem
High risk of issues like obesity
Make poor decisions
If you tend to follow the below-mentioned statements, then you might be a permissive parent-
Kids are kids by not following rules
Parents should be more responsive to kids than being demanding
Bribing kids with different types of gifts is okay
We must not punish kids
Uninvolved Parenting- This type of parenting is also known as Neglectful parenting. In this style of parenting pattern, the parents are generally uninvolved in the lives of their children. They are usually unresponsive and cold towards their child. Uninvolved parents do not provide their child with nurture and parental guidance. The children raised under neglectful parenting tend to have the following traits-
A high level of delinquency
Impulsive behaviour
Do not follow rules
Tend to get involved in alcohol and drug use
If you tend to follow the below-mentioned statements, then you might be a permissive parent-
Parents do not spend a lot of time with their children
Parents hardly pay attention to the details of child-like schoolwork.
Parents hardly know what their child is doing during their free time.
Authoritative Parenting- The most effective parenting pattern is Authoritative Parenting. In this type of parenting pattern, the parents set similar rules just like authoritative parents, but parenting style is democratic. In this type of parenting, when children have a question for their parent, they don’t tend to neglect or punish them. They rather listen to the issue of the child. Instead of punishing their child, they forgive the child and provide them with a lot of help and support.
Children raised under authoritative parenting tend to have the following traits-
Low delinquency
Good social skills
High academic performance
Good self-confidence and self-esteem
Sense of Attachment
If you tend to follow the below-mentioned statements, then you might be an authoritative parent-
Parents must set rules for my child while considering their feelings
Parents must have a balance of showing strictness and love for their children.
Parents must use various positive strategies such as providing a toffee after reading an entire book such that their child can learn new things
Which kind of parenting do you prefer? Let us know your thoughts on your preferred parenting pattern.